2021 Dollar General Yellow Sunglasses Promotional Video

The Dollar General Literacy Foundation launched a nationwide campaign to bring awareness to literacy issues. Purchases of a pair of $2 yellow sunglasses at your local Dollar General store and helped make the future a bit brighter. It was an honor to work directly with the EVP / Chief Merchandising Officer of Dollar Genera and my President and CEO of ArtSkills to get this project done for a great cause!

2021 Dollar General Leadership Experience Summit Presentation

2021 Dollar General's Leadership Experience Summit stage set.

Another Dollar General project that I was able to work on was the 2021 Leadership Experience Summit. TheĀ EVP / Chief Merchandising Officer of Dollar General was the speaker at the event and reached out to ArtSkills to collaborate with Tangible Vision (Nashville, TN based film and video production company) to complete the presentation in a timely manor. Tangible Vision left the creation of the video assets up to us at ArtSkills so we provided them with the entire presentation, individual graphic elements, a script, and detailed shot list for them to follow when displaying the presentation. Check out a few of the slides that I created for this presentation below.

All video footage was shot by Tangible Vision.

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